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The Five Books of Moses include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These books make up the story of the Jewish people. Dedicate the Book of Torah that has special meaning to you or someone special in your life. If you prefer, we will gladly select one for you. 

Dedicate one of The Five Books of Moses here. To dedicate more than one book, please call (239) 455-3030.


Beresheit means “In the beginning.” It deals with Creation; Adam and Eve; the Flood; the Patriarchs and the Matriarchs of the Jewish people and ends with the descent of Jacob and his family to Egypt. It also contains the commandment of circumcision, and God’s promise to Abraham that he would receive the Land of Israel and that his descendants would be a major, positive influence on the entire world. 


Shemot, meaning “Names,” refers to the names of the Jews who entered Egypt with Jacob. It deals with their exile, slavery and suffering; the life of Moses, and his initial prophecies; the Ten Plagues and the Exodus. It also describes the Revelation at Mt. Sinai, where the Jewish people received the Ten Commandments, and the Torah. Exodus closes with the building of the Tabernacle (Mishkan), a portable Temple that housed the Holy Ark containing the Tablets of the Law. 


Vayikra means “He called.” God calls to Moses and informs him in detail of the laws regarding the festivals, Priests (Kohanim) and the Temple service. Much of the Jewish code of morality, ethics and charity appears in Vayikra, including the famous commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). 

        NUMBERS – BEMIDBAR (ba-midBAR) 

Bemidbar, “In the desert,” details the travels, battles and struggles of the Jews during their 40-year sojourn in the desert after the Exodus. It records a census of the tribes, the positioning of each tribe when they camped and traveled, Korach’s rebellion, and the events surrounding sending the spies to Israel. Bamidbar ends with the capture of the East Bank of the Jordan River and the subsequent settlement there of the tribes of Reuben and Gad. 


Devarim, “Words,” refers to Moses’ address to the Jewish people before his death. This prophetic farewell includes rebuke, encouragement, warnings and prophecies. In it, many commandments that would only apply in the Land of Israel and that govern interaction with other nations are explained, and new commandments are given, many of which concern the courts and justice system. After his farewell, Moses wrote 13 complete copies of the Torah, gave one to each tribe, and placed one in the Holy Ark. The Five Books close with the death of “the greatest of all prophets” and “the most humble of all men,” Moses. 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784