MITZVAH DAY - Sunday, January 26, 2025
Mitzvah Day is one of the most rewarding and engaging days on the Temple Shalom calendar. On this wonderful day, the entire Temple Shalom community comes together to work to repair our world and make it a better place through service projects. Below are descriptions of some of the projects we work on for Mitzvah Day. Our whole One Family community is encouraged to participate in these projects. A delicious breakfast is supplied by the Men's Club and t-shirts and hats will be available for volunteers on a first-come, first-serve basis. Donations welcome!
Many thanks to Bobbie Katz and Liz Jaffe, Mitzvah Day Co-chairs, and their committee for all their hard work.
Temple Shalom Blood Drive
8:30 AM-1:30 PM A chance to save lives! Photo ID req. Minimum age 16 (with parent consent). Minimum weight 110 lbs . Please contact Di Karpman ( to schedule an appointment.
Meals of Hope
Each year, Temple Shalom members come together to help end hunger by forming assembly lines and packing over 50,000 meals for those in need here in Collier County. Most of our packed meals are donated to the local food banks and food pantries. We need hands-on volunteers, but to be a true success we need your donations as well. At just $.30 per meal, your donation of $18 will fund 60 meals. $54 buys 180 meals. For $100 over 330 meals can be provided. Help get the ball rolling by sending in your donation with “Meals of Hope” in the memo line, or donate online on the temple website and select Mitzvah Day donations from the drop-down menu. We will accommodate all volunteers who come to help.
Butterfly Garden Refresh
Join our Temple youth in cleaning up our cozy corner Butterfly Garden. Help us repair, rake, spread some topsoil, and prep for a new and happy place for our Preschoolers and butterfly watchers.
Beading Buddies
We make beaded necklaces for children in Immokalee to give as a gift on Mother’s Day. All materials are provided. We try to have one experienced beader at each table. This activity is not for children unless parents stay to work with them. Teens are invited to participate. Please contact Carol Hirsch ( for more information.
Baking Dog Biscuits
Join our preschool parents and children to make doggie biscuits.
Empty Bowls
Join us to paint bowls using a kit with all the supplies you will need. The bowls you paint will be sold by Empty Bowls Naples, Inc. which distributes grants to local non-profit organizations supporting their mission to eliminate hunger in our community.
Messages of Kindness
As you pass by our Messages of Hope board, please leave your personal message of hope and unity for our community. Congregants of all ages are welcome to add their message.
Thank You Notes to First Responders and IDF Soldiers
Volunteers will write notes and children can decorate the notes to first responders in our community who have helped people during the year as well as to the soldiers and their families in the Israel Defense Forces.
Habitat for Humanity
Signs will be painted and decorated welcoming people to their new homes. The signs will be bilingual and presented to the homeowners by students.
Chunky Handknit Blankets
No experience necessary! For those 12 years and older. Handknit warm and comfortable blankets for those in need in our area. The blankets will be donated to local hospitals and shelters.
Youth Haven
Youth Haven is Southwest Florida’s only emergency and residential shelter (70 beds) for boys and girls ages 6-18 who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. FOR ADULTS ONLY. 10-15 adult volunteers are needed to help assemble Welcome Bags. Contact Pam Lundborg for more information or to sign up for this activity -
Collections for Mitzvah Day:
Toiletry Packets
Bring us your toiletry samples to be organized and distributed to the Collier County Public School needy students.
Bedtime Bundles
Rabbi Ariel Boxman and the Preschool will be collecting children’s pajamas, toothbrushes, and other items to be packed in decorated pillowcases and distributed to the Shelter for Abused Women. Contact Rabbi Boxman (
Laces of Love
Throughout January, please help Temple Shalom collect shoes for Laces of Love. This is a local charity whose mission is to provide NEW sneakers to low income and disadvantaged children in Collier and Lee County Schools. You think it’s not needed? Think again! Over 60% of kids in Collier and Lee Counties are designated as ‘economically needy’!
Sneakers in adult size 1 – 11 (boys and girls) are needed. New shoes for Laces of Love may be dropped off at the Temple lobby throughout the month of January.
Shoes are distributed through Collier and Lee County public schools (c/o guidance counselors and school nurses) and through non-profit organizations that serve needy kids. The shoes are fitted and given in the privacy of the staff offices. Laces of Love is 100% volunteer. There are no paid staff. For further information contact Liz Jaffe,, or
Mitzvah Day 2023
Many thanks to Nicole Halmos, Lynn Katz Danzig, and George Rubin for taking Mitzvah Day Photos!
George posted a video from Mitzvah Day on YouTube... take a look!